Friday, September 25, 2009
Week from Hell
I must apologize for not writing about Valsetz this week, but it's been A Week In Hell.
It all started late Friday afternoon the 18 of September, 2009 when I picked up my old computer paying near $300 bucks. I was told it would be around $200 to have my old computer with XP Windows rebuilt and brought back to life,he also had a used monitor he would toss in. I'm thinking the monitor was not free.
On the way home I decided to wait until Saturday to set it up,and make sure I would be ready Monday for Charter to set up the three computers, and the X Box with a new high speed Internet.
Come Saturday I goofed around with the *Vista computer ( *Terms I will use for types of Microsoft Windows system on a computer)setting up my Fantasy Football Teams for Sunday's games until almost noon. That was a big mistake, if I had known, and should have. Murphy's Law was about to bite me in the butt.
It was noon before I had the xp wired up,and running. Now the time had come to play with an old friend.Hitting the power switch the computer started to boot up. Then as Windows logo appeared the computer came to a stop frozen and displaying Windows 7 on monitor screen. I restarted the computer, it replied with instructions how to get computer booted. I played around with 7 for a while, installed one program, then shut it down. Restarting it I found it would not boot up again. After I followed the same procedure as before I now noticed there was no sound. I then wanted to know more about Windows 7 I now had on my computer. I Googled Windows 7, then I saw it. Windows 7 was not due to be release yet.
My little mind begin to click I shut down google and there it was in fine print (Trial Edition). Again the little wheels begin to spin, trying to remember what the computer guy in broken English was telling me. He was trying to tell me try Windows 7,and if I didn't like it he would
put my requested and trusting XP Windows Back on the computer at no cost.
What I did not pickup in the conversation was, the trial of Windows 7 is only good for three months from Install and you must reinstall XP or windows Vista. ( that I found when Googling
Windows 7.)
Come Monday I hot foot it down to the Computer guy's shop.
Once there I found his door closed with a note he was on service call. Rushing back to house to make my appointment with Charter to set up the new cable Internet system. I needed not to rush the Internet guy showed up about 1 p.m. looking around for about 15 minutes he told me there has never been cable run to this house and he would have to get a crew out to run new cable to house. He then told me hopefully they would be back and job would be completed by about 6p.m.
With that, I headed back to the computer guy's place. I caught him this time. I just give him the computer and told him no audio and install my XP please, he replied tomorrow morning ready.
come Tuesday I watched TV and puttered around the house not wanting to put any more on the Vista computer, & waited for calls from the Computer Guy and Charter that never came. I called the computer guy he told me computer not done that he would call me when done.
Come Wednesday no calls from Charter or Computer Guy. I wanted to go to Rail City for my usual Wednesday Meat Ball soup and Sandwich but didn't dare for missing the Charter people.
That was the best choice I made this week because about quarter till Two Charter knocked on the door. By 4:00 cable was run to the house but they had a new problem they could not find a good ground and may have to get another crew member to drive a grounding rod. An another hour went by they found ground,and had cable inside the house by 6:30 I had High Speed Internet to one computer and was informed his boss was to have brought components for connecting the other two computers and X Box. One computer was still at the Computer Shop
and The X Box and up stairs computer were not any big deal.
Thursday no calls from Charter or my Computer Guy. looks like another long do nothing day.
About two pm I got a call from charter telling me he had another 30 minutes on a job in Sparks and then be would coming to finish my project. He never showed and I got no call from the Computer Guy.
Friday I new I was up %#&@ River the week end was very near and I knew the wife wanted some family time this week end. I jumped in the the trusty old HHR of mine and went down to the Computer guy's shop I seen his van pulling in to traffic as I pulled into his shop. sure enough
the sign on the door said"on service call call this telephone number" "damn" I thought, I will miss Clam Chowder and sandwich today. Then calling The number on door I was talking to the Computer Guy and this is what he said" computer done will call you when back"
As I started to put my phone back in my pocket it rang. It was my wife, she was at home. I thought I'm screwed, sure she was going to ask if we could leave town tonight.
My mind was running wild, how was I going to get out of this pickle, I had Football bets to make waiting to get computer and Charter coming to finish the job, what the hell is she doing home at 1:30 p.m. any way.
"Yes Dear" I said "where you at" hoping to not tip my hand. And there it came my Wife said " I hope it is OK if I work for about an hour or so Sat. morning." I said in relief "Yes Dear." Things started to turn then.( I thought) I then called the Charter Guy (who by now new my name) saying he would be at my house to finish job in about two hours.
Two hours later had no call from Computer Guy or Charter Guy.Come 4:00 p.m. Charter called be there about 20 minutes. I thought to my-self I won't see him until Monday. About 30 minutes later Charter was knocked on my door. About 5:15 p.m. he was done and all that was left to do is my XP to complete his job. He left me the parts and software to complete the XP.
I wondered, as he got in his truck if his week was as bad as mine.
I jumped back in the HHR knowing traffic would be backed up on the freeway so I took back streets to the Computer Guys shop. Arriving at his shop I saw his shop van was not in the lot
but the sign was missing from the window. The door was open,and standing at back of shop
was an Oriental Lady. She spoke to me in broken English that I had a very hard time understanding. She understood I was after a computer,she then called the computer Guy.
I asked if my computer was ready. He said "done", I then ask him to explain to the lady it was done and there was no charge. I smiled as I handed her back the phone.
Getting home I was like a little bee, unplugged the Vista and setting up the XP computer Then I begin to set up the network I then begin setting up the vista, thinking things had definitely changed, I thought this Hell week is over. I plug Vista in to the used monitor The computer guy gave me. Firing it up I'm in seventh heaven until I see That computer Guy gave me a bad computer monitor. I sorry I can't use the words I then said out loud.
After regaining my composure I then went in spend the evening with my wife. After the
wife went to bed I went back to the computer.
What has taken place in this Country where truth and trust just don't exist any more? Could it be something in the water or just that the things that we grew up believing in, have now, as ever thing else in today's world just turned to $#!*
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Valsetz's Fishy Stories
After a few calls and E-Mails from Ronan Feely, I've come believed he was serious about doing the video because of his fish story.
Also his fish story fell in line with the fish story I was about to reveal.
My fish story is about (I normally I don't use real names, this writing may be the only exception)(not) A young intelligent Valsetz girl that never got a bad grade in school, ( you know the prissy , scholar do no wrong type.) Unlike me, I'm the just get by type guy, that doesn't over work oneself. I will bet anyone that above example 50 years later would be as follows The young Valsetz girl would become a workaholic, and the guy as in me, would still be just wanting to get by with out over working himself. I can attest to this as fact
The fish story about the above Valsetz Girl: May 25 1957 Headline of a Salem News Paper, Top Student's Eye Lid Pierced By Fish Hook. The story, Valsetz grade school valedictorian, 14 narrowly escaped a serious eye injury today when her eye lid was pierced cast by an angler. The Valsetz girl was taken to a Dallas Doctor by John Richardson, first aid attendant at Valsetz. Where the hook was removed.
The girl said tonight she would give her speech as scheduled on Monday and she was feeling fine except her eye was a little sore. No bandage was required she said.
I know your thinking, that is not a fish story, nor did you tell us the girl's name. First, the fishy part of the story. Well it seem that the goody two shoe girl wandered off the straight path, instead of staying home to take care of a youngster her mother left in her care left the house taking the child with her. After meeting her boy friend, they then went down to the river so her friend might fish. Now here is the real fishy part of the story, could they really have been fishing? For it was her friend that cast the hook in the Valsetz's girl eye.
As I said before I'm telling Names. The Valsetz Girl , Now, my wife Doris Chancellor, daughter of Dick and Winnie Chancellor.
While writing this story another part of the story became very, very fishy, and I'm sharing this with you. Remember the name of the First Aid person, the one who drove 16 miles over a graveled curvy mountain road to take the girl to the Doctor? In the newspaper article the way his name was printed had a page break, John Richard-son. Our first child was a son named John Richard. Is that in it's self not a little fishy?
If any of you Valsetzers would like to be a Film Star, or help make the video On Valsetz by supplying photos and Valsetz History Please contact Mr.Ronan Feely at: Phone # 541-996-1211
I had planned to tell more than two fish story's but I found more than two with the Video story will be about all I have room for today. I will do more later I promise.
Oz the Wizard of Valsetz land, got his on the opening day of fishing season, was the way it was wrote by a one time Friend of mine.
Ted took Larry Osland (the Principal of Valsetz High School at the time )out on the Valsetz Pond the afternoon of opening day of fishing season. Oz wasn't very adept at walking on the logs in the pond. He would stand on one that would hardly bear his weight. As it started to sink he would hop to another. The others in the group recognized that the teacher was cutting his margin a little to thin each time. It was inevitable that Oz would fall in the pond. HE DID. But he kept the worms he carried tightly clutched in his hands.
He managed to get back on the log that figured in the disaster just in time to plunge in on the other side. Still he kept the worms.
Finally the Oz, wet to the chin, managed to get out and sat drenched and gasping, still hanging on to his fish worms.
when asked, did the gentle Oz lose his temper? Oh, no Ted (still hoping for a passing grade in algebra, after telling the story) vouches for the fact that Oz never said a word that wouldn't be fitting and proper in a class room.
Would you believe none in the group of fishermen laughed during the Oz's adventure on would that be another fish story?
Below is E-Mail from Ronan Freely's fish story about Valsetz
E-Mail at:
An Independence, Oregon resident wants to make a short film about the story of Valsetz. Before moving to Oregon, Ronan Feely was a producer for the BBC in Ireland and when he stumbled upon the Valsetz story while looking for a fishing hole, he thought it was so unique and moving that it should be told to a larger audience.Ronan says, "I was checking out Google maps and noticed this huge lake in the coastal range. But when I looked at satellite photos of the area, there was no lake. That's when I googled for Valsetz Lake and found out the whole story ... and what a story."Ronan is looking for any former residents of the town to get in contact with him so that he can talk to them about their memories and their own personal stories, and then to bring them back to the town site so they can explain to the viewers where all the buildings were located, etc.Even if you don't want to appear on camera, the producers are searching for old archive; so all your old school and family photos are invaluable. One important piece of the puzzle is Super 8 Film that any of the locals might have shot. Do you have some old Super 8 Home movies of Valsetz? Or do you know the whereabouts of a friend or neighbor who does? This old moving archive will give the while venture a fantastic look and feel.Another document that the producers would love to see is the letter from the timber company informing residents of the plan to turf them out of their homes.Ronan goes on, "The picture Jerry put on his blog last week of the young men in school jackets watching their town burn. That sums it up. If we could speak to one or all of those guys, it would give us a whole new slant to the story. The last day of school in Valsetz."If you would like to help out then please email Ronan at and he will get right back to you.Oh, and of course the documentary will be available for all former residents to watch, right here at Valsetz Blog.
Friday, September 11, 2009
My Rambling Thoughts Of Coach H.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
September! It's Back to School for Kids! Old Memories Of School for the parents!

Summer is winding down Pro Football is only a week away and the kids will be going back to School.
For many, the memories of old school days will flash by as they prepare their young for the coming school year.
There will be a lot of these kids going to the same schools, and attending the same school functions as their parents did at their age.
What if you had been told the day you graduate from High School your future children would never have a chance to see, let along attend the school you had, and loved so dear .
Your family was given notice in December telling you the same day you graduate in may you and your family must vacate your home and never return to your Home Town.
You would be leaving your home town, never again able to return or visit your town, School, Church, Theater,Restaurant or Homes of your Family,Friends or Neighbors.
Not because you were banished from your home town. But because the owner, Boise Cascade would Finish completion of razing your home town . Boise Cascade will removed your home town's existences piece by piece. Then the remanding Debris will be dozed and burned.
In December of 1983 workers and residents of Valsetz Oregon got the following notice from Boise Cascade Corp. That it would shut down the Polk County town when school ended. they citing financial losses of the company's veneer plant. The nearly 200 people who lived here then have dwindled to less than 75 most of whom remain only to see school's end.
The mill was dismantled in February. Many houses have been replaced by mud puddles and the remaining structures are expected to be torn down by the end of June
When summer turns to fall, the town, nestled in Oregon's Coast Range at end of a 16 mile gravel road, will be a tree farm.
For a 17 or 18 year old kid,in their last year of school should be having the time of their lives. To be hit right between the eyes and then have to carry this fate on their backs was just plain rotten. Not just to them but any one living in that community. Boise Cascade, I believe screwed ever one in that community.
I believe there is no way a big company like Boise Cascade would not have known long before December they were going to shut down. I feel Boise should have given at least one year notice to the community. They owed this much to such a loyal community that served them for that many years.
Some parents of this community, them-selves went to school in Valsetz and their kids were or had been students of Valsetz Schools. Some workers were in their fifties to young to retire, and at the age to find work would be very hard and time consuming.
That was the fate of nine seniors, (The Last Class to graduate from the Valsetz High School )graduation class of 1984.
In Sen. Mark Hatfield commencement speech to the nine graduating Valsetz Seniors encourages the seniors to "move ahead with change".
Tony Johnson, class valedictorian, too, spoke moving with change to "survive in this ever-changing world." But his speech was tinged with sadness.
"For many of us, this has been our only home, our security, and now it has been torn out from under us," Johnson said. "We have been forced into a situation in which we were not in favor, but had no control over. We are putting our energies forward and our past behind. so we can better contribute in our new communities and to this great nation.
The following is from interviews of seniors on there graduation day.
Tony Johnson "nobody really likes this situation" he said" but we're trying not to think about it."
Kimberly Carter,18, the only girl in the senior class, hugged her mother Norma, and both began to weep.
"I've lived here 16 years and I always thought I was going to graduate and then I could leave and come back," Kimberly said"Now I can come back up here and see the trees, but I won't. It won't be the same"

School Superintendent Bob Hanson who plans to retire, has witnessed many tearful graduations, but this he agreed was the saddest.
"Sure," he said" It's the end

Valsetz high school students watch helpless as their home town burns up around them
One interesting note! The Town went broke, but Valsetz schools had over one Million Dollars in funding at the closing of the schools! What happened to these funds?I'm not revealing this bit at this time, but promise, I will tell you in one of my future blogs.
It's been twenty five years since the closure of the last class to graduate from Valsetz High School- GO COUGARS
As I, I'm sure others all over this fine country are thinking about Their Home Town,( The town may be gone but is still in the hearts of all Valsetzers) and the time they spent in Valsetz Oregon.