Thursday, May 17, 2012

Valsetz Memorial

Come Monday the 28th of May 2012 of this year is  Memorial Day. But unlike many my Wife and I
won't be jumping in the packed out car and head out to the camp grounds for a week end of camping,  fishing, and other activity's. In today's world I get the feeling that few of the last generations don't know what Memorial Day stands for, It's just another party week end to them. 

When Doris And I was living in the Dallas area we spent time at the Cemetery's of Doris's Dad and my Father and Brother. After Moving to Reno Nevada in late seventies we still made trips for these visits. After Doris' Mom Winnie And my mom Lois passed, today we try to visit at least once a year after attending the Valsetz Reunion. We have not been able to make the trip last few years due to my health but on Memorial Day I find the time to think about and talk to my family about the four of us in Valsetz.
I always try to go over the names listed on the memorial wall on the  web site
giving all the old Valsetzers their due. I then turn my mind to all that have fought, giving life and body's to protect all of us from this country's enemy's.

This year if you are of the younger generation, and read this please take a few minutes read below article and say thank you for your service.

On Memorial Day: Thank You, Veterans

posted byBeyond Blue
I was going to write my own thank you note to all of the men and women who have served to protect this country, but I think John Grohol does such a beautiful job on his site. He writes:
This Memorial Day in the U.S. — like every Memorial Day — we commemorate and remember those who’ve given their lives for our freedoms and our nation. “Given their lives” is really not accurate, though, as Andy Rooney noted — these soldiers died, plain and simple. They died so that in the future, our country might be safer or democracy might be nurtured in an otherwise hostile environment. They died so that great evils could be done away with in WWII (and WWI). They died so that politicians could wage endless, unwinnable wars for political ideals (Vietnam, Korea, and now Iraq). They died, quite simply, so that we could enjoy the freedoms we so often take for granted in our country.
For every veteran and every active duty soldier and individual in military uniform — thank you. Thank you for the sacrifice you continue to make every day on our behalf. And for every family who’s lost a soldier due to service to their country — thank you. Thank you for your family member who’s made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. No words can ever express the debt we owe these brave men and women.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Valsetz, Oregon was always known as a community when some one needed help to get some thing done. To help a neighbor financially this little town stood up and done all they could to aid in the situation
Even years after Valsetz was burned and dozed I believe the people that lived and worked in this little community and their off spring still carry that valuable trait today.
The Valsetz community of today is still alive and well even after twenty eight years
from it's demise. This community stays in touch with one another Thur annual reunions, Face book and other means.
A need has arose for the help from this community again.
Frank Wheeler And family need all the help you can give.
From Kristi Wheeler
To all of Frank's friends, my
name is Kristi Wheeler and I'm Frank's wife. As many of you know Frank had a
major stroke on February 24, 2012 and he was moved to Evergreen Windsor Health
Rehabilitation Center in Salem from OHSU yesterday to continue his recovery for
an unknown period of time. Visitors are welcome and
encouraged.I want to thank you all for your
thoughts, visits and continued prayers. Frank is the primary provider for our
family and we currently have no income. I am working to get his benefits
started, but we don't know how long this might take. Meanwhile we have no way to
pay our monthly expenses. I have set up a bank account at MAP's Credit Union
that can be accessed by asking for The Frank Wheeler Medical Fund if you are
able to provide financial assistance.Frank is making slow, but steady progress and we appreciate
all of the support you have been providing for our family; especially your
prayers; please keep them coming.
Please Help Frank's family with donations to Frank Wheeler Medical fund at MAP'S Credit Union.
DONATIONS must be MAILED or HAND CARRIED into MAP's Credit Union.
ENVELOPE should have: Special Account For Frank Wheeler Medical Fund!
P.O. Box 12398
Salem, OR 97309
If you have any questions Please E-Mail Kristi Wheeler @
I thank all you for your help in these times!

Friday, March 9, 2012

The New Valsetz

When I started the Valsetz Web Site way back when, I
discovered a tool that help me look like I knew what I was doing. All I had was
photos, videos, a few memories and another Valsetzer pushing me.
As the years pass, the site got larger. Then we had a man
named Ronan Feely come along,and make a video. This video made Valsetz the
attention of the world. Right behind him came Ken Jeske and other Valsetzers
that even brought Valsetz more attention by giving Valsetzers a week end
reunion in Valsetz with first showing of Ronan's video. The first reunion in
Valsetz since Valsetz closed in 1984 Plus the first viewing of Ronan Feely's
Video at the end of June brought new attention toValsetzers,
it was like having a new Valsetz arise from the old Valsetz site.
As Ronan's film keep getting showings and awards Valsetz
got more popular.This has been a great thing for Valsetzers. I believe all the
old Valsetzers that have passed are also very proud and very happy about their
new Valsetz.
As I stated at the start of this writing I had found a
tool to aid in building the Valsetz web site. This tool has now became a tool
for out siders to sell products using the Valsetz Name and has pushed many items
a side I used this tool for.
When I started the web site I learned about Search
Engines,and how to use them. With a Search Engine I found many facts
and information & pictures I used on the website.
I used Google search when I started, I still run Valsetz
& Valsetz Oregon search a few times a month. I always find something new or
to add to the web site. Unfortunately the name of Valsetz has been muddied by
opportunism of Company's and people to make a buck on the Valsetz name all the
good people spent decades to make.
By now you may have found my tool was google Search
Engine. Even after seeing What has happened to the new Valsetz I will still use
that web site old tool because (see below)
Thanks to Jayson Chase after his note he placed on
Face book has helped to simmer me down a bit about the #@!@*&* opportunism.
Use his information you will be wiser
Here is Jayson Chase's note: If anyone is interested in
reading old newspaper article's featuring Valsetz newspaper articles, head over then type valsetz in the search box, click on magnifying
glass. You will receive this message, "your search-Valsetz did not match any
news results." But here is the hidden gem, on left side of your screen you will
see more options. Select ARCHIVES: Screen will reload with currently 983 articles
from yesteryear.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Do you like making stuff? Is there times when you will buy something, then think if I knew how I could make this, it would be better and a damn site cheaper.
With Valsetz & Stuff you will have that chance! Just watch for the Valsetz Blog articles for a heads up, or check I Can Do That page on Valsetz & Stuff.
About I Can Do That: You will find small projects you can do in spare your time with the computer that will save you time & money. You will find step by step instructions how to do it,( I'm talking about the projects ) what you will need to finish the project, and aproxmently the cost.
It looks as if I might be wasting your time and mine on this site looking at the amount of votes on the polls I posted.
As of now I have to much time on my hands ad this will keep me busy for awhile during the day. But when it looks like I'm not helping someone have a better day then I will have to say " good bye. "
The first project to be wrote on "I can Do It page" will be how to use your own pictures to make a item that looked expensive to own, and you will want to keep it around when you finish the use of this item without paying a premium price .
Know what it is? Find out In the next week on I Can Do That!
You will need computer, printer, And about $10.00 if you want make a very nice gift for another, or yourself.
The things change ever day o Valsetz and Stuff Keep so checking

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Friday, February 17, 2012


I made my first video in 2000, it was from footage I shot
with a sonny video camera of the 1997 Valsetz Reunion held in Dallas
I spent many hours finding out how to make that video,
then made still pictures into slide video with music. I spent a fair amount of
cash on gizmo's and software to make my firsts computer videos into
a DVDs. Today it takes me about an hour to make
then put up on the Internet.
With today's advancement in computer and software you can
also make your own video. It may take a you few times to do one in an hour but
the best thing it is FREE!
When I tell you about computers and soft wear I'm
referring to windows versions, ( mainly Vista and Windows 7 ) HOW EVER the program
I will tell you about will work on XP and ME Windows as well.
The next part may be boring, so if you are computer
literate may want to skip parts of what I'm about to write on finding this
Most videos on You Tube will show you how to use this
program, but won't tell you where or how to find the program on your
computer.Windows Move Maker is the program I'm
talking about. You can make slide shows with voice and music, or make a movie
from another, by removing old voice and or music then adding your own
How do you Tell if you have Windows Movie Maker on your
computer? Open program file, search for Windows Movie Maker, if not there click
on accessories in programs, search there, if you find it right click on it drag
it to desk top. If you don't find it don't fret, go to your search engine and
enter download windows movie maker 2.6. Or click follow
instructions (remember the down load tips in my down load tutorial). Windows 7
come with a new version, I don't care much for it but it will take videos the
2.6 version won't except. I use Windows 7 version to copy the video as is, then
with the copied movie I can use it with the 2.6 version. In addition if you
have Windows 7 Movie maker you can down load the 2.6 version on windows 7 it's
will work fine. As a final note to this part, Microsoft Movie Maker may not be
the best but it's free and good enough for most of us. If not and want a movie
maker software with a lot more bells and whistles you
may buy it.
Tips on making your movie:
1. Plan what your movie is going to be about, pictures,
film, the sound, tags, and etc. when the plan is ready you are ready for next
2. Go to computer section, open Libraries.
3. Click pictures, then click new folder, name the new
folder ( like, first movie ) Exit then start putting
the pictures for your movie into folder.
4. Now for the fun! Open Movie Maker program. At the top
you will see CAPTURE VIDEO there you will see IMPORT pictures, movies, audio or
5. I suggest you view help, watch videos, and then play
around with Movie Maker by importing a few photos and sound.
BELOW you will find a few suggested how to

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Every body enjoys pictures, but not ever one likes taking pictures. (More on this later)

I started taking pictures in the fifties with an camera that was bought from a comic book. This camera was a simple, took black & white pictures, no flash, and maybe a grade higher than one made from a box.

I took many a pictures with that camera with a great passion. I would have to say it was one of the first point and shoot cameras. This camera had no settings at all just point, focus, & shoot.

I lost that camera somewhere after high school.

I served my time in the US Army and, I found myself in Germany. I then got the photo bug again when I found my assigned post offered photo & dark room classes.

I bought a a nice German made 35 mm camera with all the bells. I took pictures for two & 1/2 years not just b/w but color slides. A few Buddy's and my-self

would take photo trips around city's of Germany & local towns. (back to ones that don't like taking photos) For army folks I would say about one in 20 had a camera.

German folks on weekends were walkers. When out on weekends you would German family's walking all over the county side, but you saw very few cameras.

Again after getting back to the USA I again got lax taking pictures other than of family and again lost the camera.

Years after moving down to Reno, Nev. I again got into Photography. This time I went whole hog I even set up a complete dark room.

My wife started it all when she gave me a nice 35 mm camera for my birthday. I thanked her by spending 2 hours taking pictures at the Golden Gate Bridge as she set there in the car. Doris (my wife) from that day on said "she regrets giving me that camera for my birthday even today.

After buying all the lens I thought I needed, and setting up the dark room, I got into video and upgraded to developing color images in my dark room. all was fine until around 1995 then all the camera was taken from our home. I replaced the video camera with one that you could take still images from. Never got back into photo taking until around 1997 I went to Dallas, Oregon for the Valsetz Reunion I then got back into the reunions then the Valsetz web site. I have bought two new cameras since 2007, but only have used them on occasions.

Here is the news: there will be a new web site called Valsetz Stuff, I hope to have it set up as a interactive site allowing exchange photos and information between members, allow reunion and other videos I have made to be downloaded to your computer, free soft wear and other downloads for your computer, advice and how to do it instructions.

Please check in for progress of the site at

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