Friday, February 17, 2012


I made my first video in 2000, it was from footage I shot
with a sonny video camera of the 1997 Valsetz Reunion held in Dallas
I spent many hours finding out how to make that video,
then made still pictures into slide video with music. I spent a fair amount of
cash on gizmo's and software to make my firsts computer videos into
a DVDs. Today it takes me about an hour to make
then put up on the Internet.
With today's advancement in computer and software you can
also make your own video. It may take a you few times to do one in an hour but
the best thing it is FREE!
When I tell you about computers and soft wear I'm
referring to windows versions, ( mainly Vista and Windows 7 ) HOW EVER the program
I will tell you about will work on XP and ME Windows as well.
The next part may be boring, so if you are computer
literate may want to skip parts of what I'm about to write on finding this
Most videos on You Tube will show you how to use this
program, but won't tell you where or how to find the program on your
computer.Windows Move Maker is the program I'm
talking about. You can make slide shows with voice and music, or make a movie
from another, by removing old voice and or music then adding your own
How do you Tell if you have Windows Movie Maker on your
computer? Open program file, search for Windows Movie Maker, if not there click
on accessories in programs, search there, if you find it right click on it drag
it to desk top. If you don't find it don't fret, go to your search engine and
enter download windows movie maker 2.6. Or click follow
instructions (remember the down load tips in my down load tutorial). Windows 7
come with a new version, I don't care much for it but it will take videos the
2.6 version won't except. I use Windows 7 version to copy the video as is, then
with the copied movie I can use it with the 2.6 version. In addition if you
have Windows 7 Movie maker you can down load the 2.6 version on windows 7 it's
will work fine. As a final note to this part, Microsoft Movie Maker may not be
the best but it's free and good enough for most of us. If not and want a movie
maker software with a lot more bells and whistles you
may buy it.
Tips on making your movie:
1. Plan what your movie is going to be about, pictures,
film, the sound, tags, and etc. when the plan is ready you are ready for next
2. Go to computer section, open Libraries.
3. Click pictures, then click new folder, name the new
folder ( like, first movie ) Exit then start putting
the pictures for your movie into folder.
4. Now for the fun! Open Movie Maker program. At the top
you will see CAPTURE VIDEO there you will see IMPORT pictures, movies, audio or
5. I suggest you view help, watch videos, and then play
around with Movie Maker by importing a few photos and sound.
BELOW you will find a few suggested how to

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